Estofex verwachting: level 2

Bericht van: Ben (Lelystad) , 21-07-2009 00:03 

A level 2 was issued for parts of Belgium, the Netherlands and extreme NW-Germany mainly for large hail, severe wind gusts and tornadoes.


Benelux, Northern Germany...

An elevated mixed layer covering central and southern France will be advected northeastward during the day and should overspread the Benelux and much of Germany during the afternoon hours. Wind shear will be very strong under the southwesterly jet that consists of two separate speed maxima: one should stretch from north-central Spain across France to NE France, whilst the other is located over the Channel region and SE England. A zone of high, 200-300 m2/s2, storm-relative helicity, should move northward along the leading edge of the elevated mixed layer, and values around 200 m2/s2 should also be locally further south across central and southern France. Moreover, 0-3 km shear will be in the 20-25 m/s range, which is strong.

Models are insofar constistent with each other, that they all produce precipitation in the late afternoon and/or evening across the Benelux and NW Germany, and some further east along the warm front as well. But part of the model produce only little convection. Apparently, the overall forcing for upward motion is not very large.

Still there is confidence that significantly more than just one or two storms will develop. Because of the excellent kinematic and thermodynamic parameters, the have a significant potential to become severe, and a level 2 is issued as a consequence. The storms will likely include supercells. Storms across the Benelux and northern Germany will be capable of producing large hail and damaging gusts, and also tornadoes. The tornado risk will be largest with those cells that tap most of the helical low-level flow: those that ingest the most backed low-level winds.

The storms are expected to continue throughout the evening, and new storms could even develop overnight. However, those will probably be elevated and because of low-level cooling, they will be less likely to produce severe winds or tornadoes.

Gr. Ben

Estofex verwachting: level 2   ( 1593)
Ben (Lelystad) ( 13m) -- 21-07-2009 00:03
Re : Estofex verwachting: level 2   ( 1009)
Miguel (Varsenare) ( 15m) -- 21-07-2009 00:04
  😀 pompiedom  
Erwin (Zelhem, Gld) ( 18m) -- 21-07-2009 00:12
  😀 Ontplof in W-VL en inploderend in zelhem 😋.  
Miguel (Varsenare) ( 15m) -- 21-07-2009 00:15
spanneeennd 🙂 oh en! Krijgen we een weeralarm?   ( 1268)
Sebas (Weesp) -- 21-07-2009 00:26
lekker boeiend   ( 757)
Bas C. (Zürich, CH) -- 21-07-2009 00:38
  Lol? alle voorspellers lopen uiteen qua verwachting. :P  
Steven (Gavere) ( 10m) -- 21-07-2009 00:06
Idd hier gaat alles naar nederland 😋!   ( 921)
Miguel (Varsenare) ( 15m) -- 21-07-2009 00:11
  Ut wordt nix 😀😀  
Gianni (Izegem, W-VL) -- 21-07-2009 00:13
Op naar teleurstelling...   ( 866)
Stefan (Hellevoetsluis) -- 21-07-2009 00:07
Re : Wow Heavy!   ( 864)
Wietse (Groningen) -- 21-07-2009 00:05
'k Ben blij met deze bevestiging!   ( 924)
Alwin (Zeist-West) -- 21-07-2009 00:08
Re : En dat terwijl UKMO meso   ( 893)
Peter (Mariakerke bij Gent) ( 7m) -- 21-07-2009 00:50
Ik vind alles best ...   ( 744)
Bart(Doetinchem) -- 21-07-2009 00:11
Komaan zeg, we gaan toch niet naar NL moeten om te chasen?   ( 887)
Peter (Mariakerke bij Gent) ( 7m) -- 21-07-2009 00:42
Re : Komaan zeg, we gaan toch niet naar NL moeten om te chasen?   ( 891)
Hans (Schijndel/Veghel) ( 9m) -- 21-07-2009 01:06
Re : Komaan zeg, we gaan toch niet naar NL moeten om te chasen?   ( 642)
Wilber (Ulft) -- 21-07-2009 09:19
Re : Komaan zeg, we gaan toch niet naar NL moeten om te chasen?   ( 716)
Miguel (Varsenare) ( 15m) -- 21-07-2009 01:08
  Een mooi klein lvl 2 gebied, zo zie ik het graag  
Anthony [Tilburg] -- 21-07-2009 03:46
Prima om de lvl 2 in heel oost-Nl te plaatsen 🙂   ( 642)
Martijn(Rozenburg) -- 21-07-2009 07:27