wQBO -> zachte, natte winter?

Bericht van: sebastiaan (bussum) , 10-09-2016 18:40 

Ik plaats dit maar even op het verdiepingsforum. In de hoop dat de discussie op een prettige manier plaatsvindt 😉

De vaste volgers van Netweather, VWK-forum weten het waarschijnlijk al. Er is iets aparts gaande met de QBO.

A predictable pattern of winds in the stratosphere recently changed in a way scientists had not seen in more than 60 years of record-keeping.

Credit: NASA

This disruption to the wind pattern -- called the "quasi-biennial oscillation" -- did not have any immediate impact on weather or climate as we experience it on Earth's surface. But it does raise interesting questions for the NASA scientists who observed it: If a pattern holds for six decades and then suddenly changes, what caused that to happen? Will it happen again? What effects might it have?

"The quasi-biennial oscillation is the stratosphere's Old Faithful," said Paul Newman, Chief Scientist for Earth Sciences at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, and lead author on a new paper about the event published online in Geophysical Research Letters. "If Old Faithful stopped for a day, you'd begin to wonder about what was happening under the ground."

Winds in the tropical stratosphere, an atmospheric layer that extends from about 10 to 30 miles above Earth's surface, circulate the planet in alternating easterly and westerly directions over roughly a two-year period. Westerly winds develop at the top of the stratosphere, and gradually descend to the bottom, about 10 miles above the surface while at the same time being replaced by a layer of easterly winds above them. In turn, the easterlies descend and are replaced by westerlies.

This pattern repeats every 28 months. In the 1960s scientists coined it the "quasi-biennial oscillation." The record of these measurements, made by weather balloons released in the tropics at various points around the globe, dates to 1953.

The pattern never changed -- until late 2015. As the year came to a close, winds from the west neared the end of their typical descent. The regular pattern held that weaker easterly winds would soon replace them. But then the westerlies appeared to move upwards and block the downward movement of the easterlies. This new pattern held for nearly half a year, and by July 2016 the old regime seemed to resume.

"It's really interesting when nature throws us a curveball," Newman said.

The quasi-biennial oscillation has a wide influence on stratospheric conditions. The amount of ozone at the equator changes by 10 percent between the peaks of the easterly and westerly phases, while the oscillation also has an impact on levels of polar ozone depletion.

With this disruption now documented, Newman and colleagues are currently focused on studying both its causes and potential implications. They have two hypotheses for what could have triggered it -- the particularly strong El Niño in 2015-16 or the long-term trend of rising global temperatures. Newman said the scientists are conducting further research now to figure out if the event was a "black swan," a once-in-a-generation event, or a "canary in the coal mine," a shift with unforeseen circumstances, caused by climate change.

Ronduit fascinerend dus. Ondertussen is er ook een artikel verschenen: http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/09/unprecedented-disruption-atmospheres-pacemaker-foretells-wet-winter-europe

Een stuk:
There's a strong statistical suggestion that the QBO influences the North Atlantic Oscillation, a pattern of seesawing atmospheric pressures that dominates European weather. When the QBO winds are in a westerly phase, pressure differences over the North Atlantic tend to be more extreme. That strengthens the jet stream and boosts the chances that northern Europe will experience warmer, stormier winters like this past one, which brought floods to the United Kingdom. The expected easterly phase at the end of this year would have given northern Europe a good shot at a colder, drier winter. Instead, the return to westerly winds means that Europeans are more likely to see another stormy winter. "It's not a sure thing that that would be the forecast, but it loads the dice toward those sorts of conditions," says Scott Osprey, a climate scientist at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom and lead author of the Science study.


Duidelijk uit bovenstaande data dat de waarden oplopen. wQBO lijkt het dus te zijn voor deze winter. I.c.m. neutrale ENSO en vrij lage zonneactiviteit belooft dat op voorhand weinig goeds.

Een tweet over de EC seasonal laat het volgende zien:
Sep EC Seasonal update maintains a signal for a more blocked and/or at least a more anticyclonic-type winter

UKMO augustus ging voor een duidelijk zonaal regiem aan het begin van de winter.

Zoals altijd. We wachten af.
Zwarte, dreigende wolken worden soms uit alle hemelstreken nog door den dampkring, die ons omringt, heen gejaagd en ontbinden zich dan niet zelden in koude, somtijds met sneeuwvlokken vermengde regendroppelen of kletterenden hagel, die de ontspruitende grashalmen en de teedere bloemen, welke reeds de lagchende knopjes in den koesterenden zonneschijn ontsloten, met verwoesting dreigen; maar geen nood! achter die donkere wolken is de Lente geboren. Petronella Moens.

wQBO -> zachte, natte winter?   ( 634)
sebastiaan (bussum) -- 10-09-2016 18:40
  Hopen op een uitzondering op deze regel a la dec'10.....  
Ronald de Wildt (Spijkenisse) -- 10-09-2016 20:09
Hebben we al sinds 2013 een wQBO?   ( 352)
Jorge (Middelburg) -- 10-09-2016 22:29
Re : Hebben we al sinds 2013 een wQBO?   ( 307)
Paul (Odijk) -- 14-09-2016 07:41
Kun je nu nog wel iets verwachten?   ( 463)
Peter (Wiltz -Luxemburg) ( 381m) -- 11-09-2016 15:06
Er is nog geen echte La Niña   ( 327)
Henk L. (Groningen) -- 12-09-2016 00:59
Eens   ( 255)
Jorge (Middelburg) -- 12-09-2016 10:29
Ai, puur gevoelsmatig verwacht/hoop ik juist weer wat meer   ( 287)
Wilfried (Amsterdam-Westerpark) -- 11-09-2016 22:49
Vandaag nieuwe uitdraai UKMO   ( 427)
sebastiaan (bussum) -- 12-09-2016 16:36
Uitdraai UKMO 3 tot 6 maanden vooruit:   ( 435)
Mark (Noordwolde, Groningen) -- 12-09-2016 23:33
Re : ?   ( 204)
Jan (Workum, FRL) -- 18-09-2016 23:11
  De Amerikanen verwachten dit:  
Hans (Utrecht) -- 20-09-2016 06:49
Re : ?   ( 165)
Mark (Noordwolde, Groningen) -- 21-09-2016 12:33
Hmm, dat is niet allen jammer voor onze winterkansen   ( 225)
Ruben (Ås, nabij Oslo, Noorwegen) ( 53m) -- 20-09-2016 09:39
Update Fergie   ( 151)
sebastiaan (bussum) -- 25-09-2016 11:23