Rondje ijsvloertjes? + ijsplateautjes op de Schelde...

Bericht van: Steven (Gavere) , 29-12-2008 13:02 

't Zonneputje:

En de Schelde

“When you are distressed by an external thing, it’s not the thing itself that troubles you, but only your judgement of it. And you can wipe this out at a moment’s notice. You have power over your mind - not outside events." Aurelius

Rondje ijsvloertjes? + ijsplateautjes op de Schelde...   ( 913)
Steven (Gavere) ( 10m) -- 29-12-2008 13:02
Ook ijsplateaus op kanaal Brussel-Charleroi   ( 349)
Laurent (Ellezelles) ( 50m) -- 29-12-2008 16:40